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Nicholas Jack - Kunde
The collaboration with André was very professional and goal-oriented. Solutions on complicated challenges were quickly found. He brings with him a wealth of experience in the digital business and can, if necessary, draw on a large network of additional resources for a project. I am looking forward if we can work on a project together in the near future. Thank you André for the great effort Nicholas Jack

Taylor Hetherington - Kunde
Andre has been my personal Agile Coach for a few months now. I really appreciate his questions-first, empowering coaching style. I always feel like Andre believes in my own ability to recognize and solve problems/questions I bring to him - it's refreshing! Andre is a great a addition to a team or project looking to get the most of the every person. Thank you, Andre!

Thorsten Lehmann - Kunde
Ich habe mit Herrn Ullmann als Coach an Themen im Bereich Persönlichkeitsentwicklung und Selbstmanagement gearbeitet. Die Zusammenarbeit mit Herrn Ullmann war intensiv und vertrauensvoll. Die Gespräche fanden jeweils per Video-Call statt und der Umgang miteinander war von Beginn an sehr offen und geprägt von gegenseitigem Respekt. Herr Ullmann vermittelte mir von Session 1 an den Eindruck, dass er meine aktuelle Situation versteht. Speziell seine Fähigkeit des Aktiven Zuhörens und die richtigen Fragen zur richtigen Zeit zu stellen, haben mir sehr geholfen, meine Situation zu durchdenken und lösungsorientiert zu handeln. Zusammenfassend kann ich die Zusammenarbeit mit Herrn Ullmann als sehr dynamisch bewerten - nach jeder Session fühlte ich mich ein Stück weiter. Herr Ullmann hat mich mit mit seiner positiven Ausstrahlung ermutigt, Denkprozesse anzustoßen, die mich nun auf meinem weiteren Lebensweg begleiten werden. Vielen Dank!

Alexandra Koch - Kunde
I was networked with Andre at the beginning of the year in connection with a common training path at the Scrum Alliance. In this context we exchanged a lot about professional coaching and ICF certified trainings. Since Andre is currently completing such a training and we wanted to work together, he has been coaching me since the end of February. Even before the current situation, we have already shown the coaching sessions via zoom meetings due to the fact that we live far away from each other. The zoom sessions are super relaxed and a pleasant atmosphere is the prerequisite for successful individual coaching. Andre as a coach is a perfect framework, who through his calm manner and neutral perspective always sets the right impulses and gives me the space to reflect about my coaching topics and to question my own decisions. In doing so, he succeeds again and again, so that after each coaching session I can create and follow my own development path in a more sorted and clearer way. I can only warmly recommend a coaching session with Andre, it has already helped me a lot in the short time we have been working together. Thank you Andre 😉

Günter Stefan Bachbauer - E.On
Ich durfte mit Hr. André Ullmann in einem multinationalen und skalierten, agilen Programm zusammenarbeiten. In seiner Rolle als Scrum Master und agiler Coach stand André jederzeit und immer für seine Teams und Kollegen mit Rat und Tat zur Verfügung. Die Weiterentwicklung der Organisation und der Teams konnte dadurch erreicht werden. Im gemeinsamen Team habe ich André als sehr hilfsbereiten, witzigen und sehr kompetenten Kollegen empfunden. Sein äußerst umfangreiches Wissen und seine große Erfahrung im Bereich Agilität (Scrum, Kanban) wird durch seine Expertenkenntnisse im Bereich Coaching perfekt ergänzt. Ich kann André nur empfehlen und würde mich jederzeit über eine gemeinsame Zusammenarbeit freuen!

Markus Stechele - Trainer
André is a very authentic person and coach! He talks and teach about his longterm personal experiences. His calm way is a pleasure for everyone who works together with him. It was a very nice experience to meet him!

Markus Schall - Zeppelin
Über mehrere Monate habe ich mit Herrn Ullmann erfolgreich an verschiedenen Produkten zusammen gearbeitet. Anfangs hatte ich Grundkenntnisse in Scrum und wurde in ein bestehendes DevTeam eingebunden. Mit mehreren sehr wissenswerten und leicht verständlichen Schulungen hat Herr Ullman mir und dem gesamten Team geholfen, wie wir die Prozesse nicht nur verstehen, sondern auch verinnerlichen. Hierbei schätze ich seine ruhige und strukturierte Art der Wissensvermittlung und Kommunikation sehr. Dabei setzte er zielführend unterschiedlichste Methoden und Visualisierungen ein. Ihm liegt sehr viel daran, das Team einzubinden, mitzunehmen und Prozesse auch einmal zu hinterfragen und anzupassen, ohne dass das Team neben der hauptsächlichen Arbeit überfordert wird. Seine freundliche und offene Art gegenüber den Kollegen wurde allerseits geschätzt. Ich bedanke mich ausserordentlich für die lehrreiche, professionelle und auch zwischenmenschlich sehr gute Zeit mit Herrn Ullmann und wünsche Ihm für den weiteren Weg nur das Beste

Dr. Oliver Öchslein - Getnow
Working with Andre was a great pleasure! He was the scrum master in our teams, during a very intense time period. During that time, he was able to bring in new methods, ideas and being a valuable part of the team.

Timm Jödden - Zeppelin
André is a highly professional Scrum Master and Coach. I had the opportunity to work with him for multiple months on a digital transformation project with a quickly growing team structure. When i first met him, i thought André is just again one of "these Scrum masters, that only push tickets all day", but i found out very quickly, i was completely on the wrong side. In fact, he is one of the very few, that can actually explain and demonstrate what kind of character a Scrum Master and Coach has to have to be able to build a consolidated and motivated team culture in highly heterogenous team environments. In fact, he helped me overcome my personal prejudice about Scrum in general that had been built up by wrong understandings of the process over the years. As a consultant, i now face some of these questions with multiple clients and thanks to André's good advice and mentoring, i can now perfectly explain which facets of Scrum and agile culture the clients in question do not understand properly to make it a sustainable experience for them. André is an extraordinary combination of a Scrum Coach and operative Scrum Master that will demonstrate his knowledge and vast experience on-site.

Dr. Jürgen Hoffmann - Scrumalliance
Andre took part in the Path2CSP programm and finshed his CSP-SM Certification with an extraordinary contribution giving a great webinar for the other participants about the "Agile Maturity Model"

Luis Bustamante - Cognisant
I had the pleasure to work with Andre in a digital transformation initiative for a common customer. His deep expertise in agile practices and his vast experience as a Scrum Master contributed greatly to the success of the digital transformation initiative. He gradually incorporated agile practices into the customer's unit running the digital transformation initiative in the most professional manner. Our common customer benefited immensely from Andre's previous experience in similar projects since there was a noticeable improvement in the teams' way of working. It is always a pleasure to work with a knowledgeable professional and I would gladly work with Andre in any other digital transformation initiative.

Florian Horky - Zeppelin
During our time together at Zeppelin, I experienced Andre as an integrative and very goal-oriented person. As a Scrum-Master it was his task to establish the agile methodology in the newly assembled team. He also succeeded in turning very different personalities into well-functioning teams within a short period of time. For me personally particularly impressive was the conviction with which Andre represents the Scrum methodology and how well and easily he was able to explain it to me as an absolute Scrum newcomer.

Cornelia Weileder - Kunde
André is really one of the most competent scrum masters I've ever seen. Even in difficult situations he keeps his head up and motivates teams in such a great way that there ist just one outcome possiple - success. If you want to succeed also, just ask him.

Thomas Maeder - Dentsply Sirona
Andre is a very experienced, goal-oriented, agile project manager and get things done. We‘ve had a great collaboration on a very demanding project. Thank you Andre for your great effort!

Carolin Buerger - Nokia Siemens Networks
Thx Andre for the time we work together! It was really a pleasure to see how you bring live in our community and make so much possible / solve all the problems and escalations we have. I like your idea of thinking and teamleading very much. hope to see you in the future again! BR Carolin